Sunday, February 12, 2006

new old blog

i just rediscoverd Velveteen Rabbi via a 2 year old post about a zalman retreat at Elat Chayyim.
some of my favorite quotations she writes from zalman:

  • If I could hear all of the vibrations in this room -- cell phones, broadband, wifi, radio waves, microwaves -- I'd hear a jumble. If I can tune in to a particular frequency, I might hear something I could understand. God broadcasts on all frequencies; we need to adjust our radios to attune to God.

  • Philosophers don't dig it because they want a single definition, an object. I'm talking about God as a verb. People who have triumphalist notions that God only speaks to the Jews are not correct. Different people attune to different frequencies; God speaks on all frequencies; we receive based on where we're open.

  • In Aramaic, the word for window is kavan, related to the term kavvanah [focus or intent, esp. in prayer]. In davvening, we need to open a window.

  • When we first saw earth from space, there was a paradigm shift. We can conceive of earth as a single being now. Earth is a being who maybe has emphysema now, has blood poisoning. And people who care only for themselves and their own expansion are like cancer cells. But every religion is a vital organ of the planet: all are needed, all are interdependent.

  • So then people ask, "If you're so universal, why be Jewish?" And my answer is, because the Jewish organ needs to be healthy, and if we're truly who we are, that helps the other organs be who they are.

  • Some people drive using only the rearview mirror. "Is this what we used to do? Then we'll do it this way."
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I'm so glad you read and enjoyed the post! The quotes you picked are among my favorites, too.

    Every time I've been fortunate enough to interact with Reb Zalman, I've come away with new wisdom... :-)