Sunday, February 12, 2006

jews in oregon

i just stumbled upon the website for a havurah in ashland, oregon. they have a really fabulous website! it is times like this when i think 'well maybe i could live outside nyc.' i particularly enjoyed reading their "our two cents" page which includes links to Opinions, Articles, Letters, Ideas as well as "the Gallery of Jewish Jokes". i love the idea that a havurah took the time to make that part of their site. finally, and perhaps most importantly, was the rabbi's article Confessions of a New York Jew.
they also have an impressive list of links to members websites as well as a links page. i know you shouldn't judge a havurah by it's website...but this just looks like a really chill place!
i wonder if i lived somewhere where there was only one liberal jewish congregation if i would join it and help make it [or help sustain it to be] fabulous. in nyc there are pockets of fabulous-ity - (kz, bj, a few others) - but somehow the existence of so much choice makes it so i never have to choose. is the heretical imperative operative? it may not apply to me, since i'm destined to choose whether or not there are many options. at the same time, i would be terrified to move somewhere that didn't already have something established.
okay enough about moving.
back to enjoying beautiful snow outside my window!!

p.s. this photo is from washington, d.c. last winter - but i figured it could be approprite now!

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