Tuesday, April 11, 2006

every animal product is made of corn!

...you can still devour them on passover, but you may not want to the rest of the year. CORN:
"Corn is what feeds the steer that becomes the steak. Corn feeds the chicken and the pig, the turkey and the lamb, the catfish and the tilapia and, increasingly, even the salmon…. The eggs are made of corn. The milk and cheese and yogurt, which once came from dairy cows that grazed on grass, now typically come from Holsteins that spend their working lives tethered to machines, eating corn."
- via aldaily.com

1 comment:

Aliza said...

that's very interesting- i never thought of the connections between factory farming and pesach...the link isn't working- what is that from? is that from the omnivore's dilemma?