had a traditional nyc afternoon/evening outing with jr from toronto. we attemped to get standby tickets for the daily show and colbert report, then grabbed schwarma and ate it on a pier overlooking the hudson river. we then proceeded to take some silly photos with jenny, a 0.5 inch plastic naked baby doll: it was a hilarious photo shoot to say the least. if i were to try to explain the further levels of silliness you'd think i'm nuts, so just trust me on this one...
when two beautiful people that you love announce that they are ready to announce their love to the world for the rest of their lives, you walk around smiling so hard that your face hurts. you scream at the top of your lungs and jump up and down at a random gas station in upstate ny. you wish ruby-k and knucklehead the BIGGEST MAZAL TOV YOU CAN WISH!
Take the 1/2/3 train to 72 & b'way and you're there. Don't forget to sign up in advance and mention Zeek, or bring a printout of this listing to the event to get in for $5 (instead of $8). Hope you can make it!